This engine is a wet liner engine & the liners do not have any seals only sealant. Thus removing the cylinder head can disturb the sealant & cause coolant loss into the sump.
The cylinder head bolts go through the head, block, main bearing caps, & thread into a lower craddle to hold tis engine together. Thus when reassembling the engine rotating of the engine must be kept to a bare minimum untill the cylinder head is tensioned, or damage to the bearings may occur.
There is modified cylinder head dowels for these engines that must be used, these are made of stell & replace the original plastic ones.
The cylinder head gaskets are a steel shim with molded O rings & a steel fire ring.
The front pulley has 2 timing marks on it an inner mark & an outer mark. The inner mark is located on the pulley’s inner edge (closest to the timing case) this is the TDC mark. The outer mark on the front of the pulley is used for setting the timing belt up with the lower front cover still on.