The Largest Independent Group of Engine Reconditioners in Australia
Each business location has a base business model that starts with a well equipped machine shop that specialises in the machining operations needed by the engine industry.
- Chemical cleaning
- Complete cylinder head reconditioning
- Injector tube fitting
Pressure testing.
- Crack testing. NDT testing.
Reboring and honing of engine blocks.
- Specialist block work such as deck recesses & line boring/ honing.
- Surface grinding of blocks.
All con rod work.
- Crankshaft grinding.
Aluminium & general TIG and MIG welding
- Lathe and general milling. Some with CNC.
- Most with complete engine assembly. Some with engine fitting.
All businesses can supply the complete range of engine parts and backed up with know-how.
Engine Action International
Who Are We
Engine Action North Melbourne
Chilton Enginerring (Qld) Pty Ltd
Curtin Engine Reconditioning Pty Ltd
HB Sales (Mayfiled)
Duncan Foster Engine Reconditioners
Quality Workmanship
Australian Owned Family Businesses